Check ups
Routine dental examinations are recommended on a 6 monthly basis. At your check- up we will check the health of your teeth, fillings and existing restorations. We thoroughly check the gums around your teeth for any signs of early gum disease. If gum disease is detected it is important to have treatment for this as soon as possible for the best outcome. During your dental examination we take periodic radiographs to screen for dental decay and gum disease problems. The frequency of these radiographs will be tailored to your individual needs.

As well as checking the health of your teeth and gums at each dental check-up, we also carry out a thorough soft tissue examination both internally and externally around your jaw and neck, cheeks, tongue and palate. This enables us to screen for any lumps or bumps that shouldn’t be there, or any patches or ulcers in the mouth that may be of a more sinister nature. You may not be used to this type of examination but we take cancer screening very seriously.
Initial consultation
Before registering at the practice, you will need to book your initial consultation appointment with us. This diagnostic consultation enables us to thoroughly examine your teeth, gums and soft tissues of the mouth and includes a mouth cancer screening. It also includes up to 2 radiographs where we feel these are necessary. At this appointment we have the opportunity to discuss with you any concerns you have about your teeth and give you a treatment plan and estimate for any routine treatment.
For more complex treatments, such as cosmetic work, we may need to book you a further appointment in the future, to plan out how we will provide this treatment and any possible changes that may be necessary, depending on the findings of some initial treatment. It is not always possible to predict the outcome of each treatment, but we will try to inform you of any potential changes.

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The biggest complement we receive is when our patients refer their friends and family to The Dental Health Centre. In fact, we have built much of our practice on these valued, trusted recommendations over the years. Read our reviews to hear why our patients are recommending us…