Our dentists provide all types of full and partial dentures. These can be made for a temporary solution to missing teeth prior to embarking on more complex treatment. We also offer permanent dentures of many types.
For many, wearing dentures is still the only viable option to improve your dentition. We recognise the need to be able to eat properly, as well as the need to recreate your smile. With the loss of teeth, your health and confidence and general wellbeing can be affected, which we are concerned about. We try to provide a suitable solution, with dentures that feel comfortable and restore confidence.
We work alongside a team of experienced clinical dental technicians to carefully craft bespoke, natural dentures designed for your comfort, function and longevity. Made from the highest quality acrylic resin using next-generation digital design and production tech, Dentures from The Dental Health Centre are the ultimate non-permanent solution to missing teeth. This master craftsmanship and premium materials ensures each set of dentures is indistinguishable from beautiful natural teeth.

Full dentures
Full dentures from The Dental Health Centre in Manchester are carefully designed for a millimetre perfect fit, ensuring a comfortable and non-slip fit for years to come. They are the recommended option for replacing a full row or arch of teeth. Our full dentures are designed to look and function just like natural teeth.
Partial dentures and overdentures
When missing teeth cause a gap in the smile, partial dentures, or overdentures, are a functional, lifelike replacement. We offer an extensive range of materials and colour options to match partial dentures to your existing teeth. They are an effective and reliable way to restore both function and aesthetics and give you your confidence back.
If you are looking for dentures in Didsbury, Heatons, Withington and Cheadle and want to know more about your options, get in touch to arrange a consultation at The Dental Health Centre.

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The biggest complement we receive is when our patients refer their friends and family to The Dental Health Centre. In fact, we have built much of our practice on these valued, trusted recommendations over the years. Read our reviews to hear why our patients are recommending us…