Inhalation sedation – Relative analgesia
Sedation is a great option for nervous patients and anyone who feels anxious about receiving treatment. With safe and proven techniques, we administer sedation medication to place you in a relaxed and dream-like state, making it feel as though your appointment passes in no time.
The experienced team at The Dental Health Centre have helped many patients overcome lifelong fears and dental phobias to finally get the treatment they need.
What is inhalation sedation?
It is a technique that uses a mixture of a sedative gas (called Nitrous Oxide or more commonly ‘Laughing Gas’) and Oxygen to assist the patient to cope with fear and anxiety and cooperate with dental treatment.
Who could be sedated?
The best candidates are patients who have a level of anxiety that prevents good coping skills. This type of sedation is very well accepted with children who seem to enjoy the whole experience and look forward to their visits. Inhalation sedation can be very useful when there is gag reflex problem. It can also be helpful for some special needs patients who have limited ability to cope with dental care.
Why utilise inhalation sedation?
This form of sedation assists in allowing the patient to cope better with dental treatment and relieves stress and anxiety, reducing the need for more advanced intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia. The patient does not lose consciousness during treatment and recovery is very fast.
Is Inhalation Sedation safe?
Careful pre-sedation evaluation is very important. Your dentist will ask you to fill a medical history form prior to your assessment appointment and will discuss with you any particular concerns prior to treatment. Generally speaking, dental treatment under Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Sedation is a safe technique as it provides continuously high levels of oxygen all the way through treatment, (at least 30% oxygen is administered when the atmospheric air contains only 21%). Your dentist will discuss in more details the risks, the benefits and the alternatives to the Nitrous Oxide Sedation.

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